Hello hello everyone!!!!! This evenings post will be referencing how to improve collagen to help keep the skin and face looking and feeling younger. I mentioned in an earlier post about moisturizing.   It is very important to take care and appreciate the mind, body, skin, and soul!! 

When looking for moisturizers it is best to look for serums instead of creams. Why is that ?? Well creams sit on top of the skin and serums absorb into skin. You see, the cells are small and serum has more of a water base versus creams. Serums are soaked up helping to boost the collagen and rejuvenate. A vitamin C serum is a great start for that facial boost! You may also add the serum with melted unrefined Shea butter, olive oil, and coconut oil all mixed together to apply to the body and hair. Portions depend on how many uses your aiming for; just remember to use more Shea butter and less of the other items except for the serum, use equal amounts to the Shea butter if you wish.  Thank you for stopping by!!!


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